About our toolkits
The purpose of the Climate Action Accelerator toolkits is to equip organisations with a set of resources and strategies to adapt ways of working, policies and procedures in key operational areas to reduce their climate and environmental footprint.
The toolkits are designed to provide environmental coordinators and decision-makers with hands-on advice, often in the form of a step-by-step process, along with a suite of practical tools to support the implementation of climate and environmental roadmaps. While solution factsheets provide an overview of a topic, the toolkits focus on practical application.
Users are encouraged to provide feedback and contribute by sharing tools, good practices, and experiences. Please get in touch: contact@climateactionaccelerator.org.
Published toolkits
Travel toolkit
The travel toolkit guides users through a step-by-step process on the journey to reduce professional travel, notably air travel. The following topics are covered:
Explore it here
- Understanding travel reasons, groups who fly most and top routes
- Defining the governance model
- Setting and implementing quantitative reduction targets
- Key measures such as implementing a travel policy, defining a carbon budget, adapting the booking process and managing price implications
- Collecting travel data and monitoring travel emissions
- Additional tools and resources, such as a travel decision tree, booking platforms, etc.
Procurement toolkit
The procurement toolkit is organised into two chapters. The first chapter provides a step-by-step guide for adapting procurement processes with a view to reducing the climate and environmental impact of goods and services. The second chapter provides guidance on procurement criteria across different categories. The following topics are covered:
Explore it here
- Prioritising emission hotspots
- Procurement policy and sourcing standards
- Integration of climate and environmental considerations in procurement processes
- Supplier engagement
- Procurement criteria per category
Solarisation toolkit
The solarisation toolkit provides a step-by-step guide to solarising buildings with a particular focus on two types of settings: International humanitarian field projects and health structures in low- and middle-income countries. The toolkit provides introductory resources, it is not intended to replace formal training on these issues.
The following topics are covered:
- Defining the resources and key elements (incl. budget)
- Sizing the installation
- Choosing the right equipment
- Installing the equipment
- Maintaining the equipment
- Additional resources
- Example project
The toolkit was developed in collaboration with Electriciens sans frontières.
Explore it here
Fleet toolkit
The fleet toolkit combines existing resources from the Fleet Forum with newly developed tools to support organisations in taking stock of their existing fleet and fleet-related emissions, as well as to reduce the climate and environmental impact of their fleet.
The following topics are covered:
- Establishing a fleet inventory
- Estimating fleet-related greenhouse gas emissions
- Optimising and pooling movements
- Making less impactful choices
- Right-sizing and right-profiling
- Environmental purchasing criteria
The toolkit was developed in collaboration with the Fleet Forum.
Explore it here
Good office practices toolkit
The toolkit is divided in three parts: In the first part, a step-by-step process on how to implement good office practices is provided. In the second part, a list of solutions related to environmental office practices is provided. Additional resources are listed in part three. The following topics are covered:
Explore it here
- Taking stock of existing good office practices
- Developing an internal good office practices policy
- A list of priority actions to get started
- Creating internal staff buy-in
Cover photo: Scott Graham/Unsplash